There’s still time to do an Easter play! I’m so happy to have found a video of an original Plays in Days performance of CSI:Jerusalem that I’m going to keep sharing about it and sharing scenes on our Plays in Days YouTube Channel. The cast was able to pull it together in just days using our Plays in Days method. I miss these kids – who are all grown-ups now. Do you have a youth group who’d take on this adventure this Easter season? Do check out more video clips on our Plays in Days YouTube channel to share our joy. Here’s the link! Hope you enjoy
Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days #playsindays #christianplays #humorouschristianplays #easterplays #getusedtodifferent #thechosen #Jesusplays #youcantotallydothisthing #wehelpdirectors #csijerusalem #youthministryideas