It’s gonna be a busy summer as Plays in Days continues on the VBS PAC journey. We’ve opened registration for our Vacation Bible School Performing Arts Camp and there is an awful lot to do between now and this August, 2023, . In episode 6 we talk about your lining up your volunteers and lead actors for your play or musical.  We are chronicling the steps for anyone who is interested in trying this unique and very effective way to do VBS on their own. Watch for these tutorial videos on our Plays in Days YouTube Channel! Tutorial 6 airs tomorrow night! You can totally do this thing.

Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days  #playsindaysVBSPAC #VBSPAC #playsindays5things #youcantotallydothisthing #wehelpdirectors #easyplays #playsindays #getusedtodifferent #theaterskills #youthministry