Plays in Days is continuing on with the Vacation Bible School Performing Arts Camp idea. So far, doors are still opening! So, forward we go! We had our first planning meeting and settled on a target date of early August, 2023. We are excited to “journal our journey” with a series of VBS PAC tutorials – Tutorial #2 is on YouTube now. Here is the link:

We’ll be chronicling each step or preparing for and producing the Plays in Days VBS PAC. Hopefully we can inspire others to try this unique and very fun, effective way to do VBS.

Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days  #playsindaysVBSPAC #VBSPAC #vacationbibleschool #vacationbibleschoolideas #playsindays5things #youcantotallydothisthing #wehelpdirectors #easyplays #playsindays #getusedtodifferent #theaterskills #youthministryideas