Plays in Days Youtube channel is doing well and we’re getting more videos ready to post! This has been a really fun addition to our project list which includes still adding more plays, skits, and musicals to the website. Now we’re thinking in some newdirections as well and I think Learn Something New is a good motto here! We hope you’re enjoying the channel. Lots more helpful stuff for directors coming in the near future. As my mentor used to say at auditions or rehearsals, “You’re supposed to be having fun, Everyone – That’s why they call it a “play!”” So true.  I admit, sometimes all this social media marketing stuff feels more like work than fun because I have SO much to learn, but we have a good team and they are super helpful. Gotta be in the 21st Century, right? The favorite video so far is “Coach Saves the Play?” and of course the blooper reel from “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Constitution of the United States (but thought it would take too long to read…)”. We hope as we add more videos on how to best use the products on like our Helpful Production Bundles and Perusal eScripts that we will build that partnership with you directors out there that we long to have. We want to encourage you and for you and your cast and crew to have a blast!

Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days

#playsindays #wehelpdirectors #youcantotallydothisthing