Watch for our first videos posted today to Plays in Days YouTube Channel

If the future of video making for our Plays in Days YouTube channel is anything like the experience of making the first six  you’ll see there, we’re in for a lot of fun and so are you. Can’t say it’s not a lot of work trying to learn new programs and technology, but, man, there are a lot of tech geeks out there who love to help and are so good at this stuff! Which makes us feel like we got this, you know? We hope you enjoy the ads which, by the way, kind of reflect our whole personality as a team, our writing style (for comedies anyway) and the purpose of our site – to help you directors of live theater plays, skits, and musicals feel like you are equipped and encouraged to have fun and success in your productions. We want even you rookies to feel like you can totally do this thing! Watch for news of our upcoming video contest.

Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days

#playsindays #wehelpdirectors #youcantotallydothisthing