Plays in Days 5 Things Series welcomed a new young “guest contributor” a few weeks ago and she’s back for Episode 6 – Preparing Kids for Auditions.  We posted some hi-lights from that reel – Tessie is So Darn Adorable! Auditions can be really scary for kids and we trust Plays in Days 5 Things Episode 6 will help you give your young person “All the confidence she needs” as Tessie would put it.  Kids are natural actors – so Kids and Theater – such a great, happy mix and it’s a huge part of why we do what we do here at Plays in Days. We love youth! Here’s a link to our YouTube video:

Teresa and the Team at Plays in Days  #playsindays5things #youcantotallydothisthing #kidslivetheater #wehelpdirectors #easyplays #playsindays #getusedtodifferent #theaterskills #youthministry #playsindays #Dametilda #Tessie